
What material are most of the perfume glass bottles?

With the improvement of people’s living standards, various luxury goods have entered people’s lives, and perfume is one of them. There are many types and types of perfumes on the market, but no matter what kind of perfume, the packaging is all perfume glass bottles. Most modern perfume glass bottles are made of soda-lime glass, and a small number of high-end perfume bottles are made of lead crystal glass.

Of course, in addition to the material of perfume glass bottles, perfume bottle designers pay more attention to the shape, color and decoration of perfume bottles to promote consumers’ desire to buy. Among the many perfume glass bottles, most are high white soda lime glass. The glass melting quality of these small bottles is quite high, and there are few bubbles and stones visible to the naked eye. Of course, the bubbles added as a decorative effect are not among them. In addition to the function of the container, this type of perfume bottle can clearly show the color of the perfume to achieve the effect of attracting consumers’ attention. Because the clear and transparent perfume will remind consumers of high-end, coupled with the fragrance of the favorite varieties of consumers, it will often stimulate their desire to buy, and the light yellow to slightly green reminds people of nature, which is for modern people who seek to return to nature. In terms of it, it is undoubtedly an attractive selling point.

It can be said that the perfume glass bottle is undoubtedly a symbol of a high-end product. It is not only practical, but its various shapes can also play a certain decorative effect to achieve the best of both worlds.

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